Blockchain-Based Voting Solution

  • Developed an end-to-end decentralized voting platform to organize secure elections using the Azure Blockchain
  • Applied the concepts of cryptography to ensure the anonymity of voters on a public blockchain during the election
  • Constructed the front-end using Angular and implemented the service to encrypt and decrypt votes using Python

Option Pricing Models & Their Accuracy

  • Delved into types of Options & Pricing methodology to analyse drivers that explain the pricing behaviour
  • Achieved an accuracy of 78% through Neural Networks against the Black Scholes Model of the accuracy of 58%

Automatic Speech Recognition System

  • Built a Speech Recognition system using vector quantized Codebook Matching and MFCC feature extraction
  • Achieved 75.89% accuracy on clean set and 47.65% accuracy on noisy set of Google Speech Commands dataset

Algorithmic Trading System & Dashboard

  • Designed and deployed a Trading system with a Python codebase on the AWS Cloud for optional 24/7 uptime
  • Integrated Zerodha KiteConnect REST APIs, autonomously placing options orders, using the generated triggers
  • Effected a GUI with configurable models like LSTMs, ARIMA and displayed the live results in the dashboard

IITB-RISC Processor | Processor Design

  • Designed 16-Bit, 6-Stage Pipeline processor, based on Turing-Complete Instruction Set in VHDL from scratch
  • Programmed 14 Instructions including branch, arithmetic, & memory interface; tested it on Altera Nano FPGA
  • Implemented a 6-stage pipelined processor with Branch Predictors, Priority Encoders and the Hazard Detection

Social Networking Website | ITSP IIT Bombay

  • Developed a Social Networking Website with features of a Chat, News Feed, and Posts aimed at college students
  • Implemented a feature of Auto Delete of the posts in the News Feed after all the targeted users have viewed it
  • Designed the front-end of the website using CSS & HTML and the back-end using MySQL Connector & PHP

Cryptocurrency Arbitrage Bot

  • Developed a Crypto Arbitrage Bot to execute trading strategies between Perpetual Protocol and FTX exchange
  • Designed an MEV front-running bot to identify and execute the sandwich trades from the Ethereum mempool